Hanwang handwritten electronic paper N10 ProHanwang M10 and M10 Mini handwritten office booksSome latest products of Hanwang Technology:
Talk about opinions: bull market-Dual sensors are used to identify Coriolis sound, and a 4.7-inch LCD screen with high-definition backlight is used to broadcast the measurement data after the measurement. The measurement accuracy is equivalent to that of a mercury sphygmomanometer, and the measurement data can be automatically synchronized to an APP to generate a detailed health report for users.-With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, digital economy and other fields, Hanwang Technology, as a pioneer in the industry, is expected to continue to benefit from relevant policy support and market demand growth.
Hanwang voice king AppHanwang Clear6 Pro electronic paper bookEvaluation index: up
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide 12-14